So for this past month, I have had the lovely pleasure of taking care of - well - EVERYTHING! I have learned so much about tires, being a landlord, and handling all of our financial responsibilities. Austyn has been so great at taking care of me and our girls for the past 3 1/2 years. I don't think we fully appreciate certain things, and especially people, until they are taken away from us. I wouldn't say I took my husband for granted, but being in this position gives me a deeper respect and appreciation for what he does for me.
(From a Wife) Tip #9: Don't Be Afraid To Learn Something New
Shortly after Austyn left, one of the tires on our car got a leak. I wasn't aware just how bad it was until about a week later, but I knew the tire pressure was low so I had to fill it up... I have never done that before. Maybe I'm just your stereotypical city girl, but I am not one who knows anything about cars, let alone tires! So, on a cool, brisk, morning of September, I braved the possible embarrassment of filling my tire up with air. Yes, it took me a good 2 minutes to figure out what I was doing, but I actually did it! I was so proud of myself! Yeah, my life is full of huge accomplishments like that. ;) My point is, although your husband is gone, and you don't have frequent communication with him, you can figure things out on your own. Some things may seem scary to have to go through alone, but it will all work out.
(From a Mother) Tip #10: Avoid Resentment
Yes, it can be hard to keep that smile on your face through these weeks, but don't even let yourself begin to harbor any feelings of resentment toward your spouse. Odds are he is miserable. Being away from his wife and kids is not easy on a man. Be assured that he misses you as much, if not more than you miss him. I have had many stressful and difficult moments these past 5 weeks where it would have been easy to try and blame them on Austyn's absence. But truth is, I know he would much rather be home with me right now. Sure, dealing with these trials and obstacles of life aren't easy on my own, but they are making me stronger; as a wife, as a mother, and as a woman. The weeks and months seem long, but they fly by much faster than you think, I PROMISE!
The girls and I are in Utah for the week, so I don't have any pictures or recipes with me. But I thought maybe a quick and healthy side dish would be appropriate;
Roasted Kale
Take a big bunch of Kale (curly leaf), wash it really well and cut it or tear it off the stem. Let it sit on a pan and dry for about 5 minutes. Drizzle some olive oil and salt all over. Place in a 375 degree oven for about 10-15 minutes.
Bon Appetit! :)